This page offers a collection of blog posts written by EU law, European Criminal Justice in a Global Context, Law and Economics, and Legal Research master students during an elective course ‘Enforcing EU Law by EU Agencies’ at Utrecht University. This course takes place annually in the third period of the UU academic year.
The master students use blogging to share the preliminary findings from their papers on specific EU agencies with enforcement powers. By sharing what they have learned, the students contribute to addressing relevant societal challenges. This page aims to create one central point for students’ work in order to promote knowledge of the new and rapidly developing field of direct supervision and enforcement by EU authorities.
This master course is coordinated by Dr. Miroslava Scholten, an Associate Professor of EU law at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance and a member of RENFORCE.
You are welcome to contact the coordinator of this project, if you have a comment or suggestion relating to the blog posts.
‘The role of FRONTEX in enforcing ETIAS’ by Ariana, Beatrice and Elsa
‘The Fundamental Rights Officer: Just what the EUAA needed’ by Elaine, Gersi, Joris and Leonoor
2022 – 2023
‘Towards promoting sustainable finance disclosure: are ESMA’s hands tied?’ by Leo, Liza and Matteo
‘OLAF and the EPPO: does teamwork always make the dream work? ’ by Nicole, Thirza, Enes
‘Frontex: more powers and less responsibilities?’ by Juliette, Ahmed, Katrin and Tom
The class of 2023
2021 – 2022
‘AMLA: Proposal for a happily ever after?’ by Natalia, Magali, Robin & Kristina
Converting the European Data Protection Board into a European Data Protection Agency: red pill or blue pill? by Giorgia, Lisa-Marie, Shivani, and Emilia

‘EPPO: A future Counter-terrorism Actor?’, by Karenza, Chiraz and Mary
‘OLAF – A balancing act between different systems of control’, by Tessa, Sophie, Martina, Desislava
‘The role of the EMA amid the COVID-19 pandemic’, by Aurelia, Dieke and Muhammed

‘The powers of ACER and ESMA – Predictable or like flipping a coin?’, by Aleksandar, Juuso & Oli
‘The role of Frontex in return operations: Europe in the lead’, by Kas, Stefan & Thijs
‘How EASA guarantees your safety in the air: The Boeing 737 MAX crisis’, by Daniel, Sander & Paul
‘Development of NCA’s Fining Powers: in Search for Convergence’, by Alex, Emilie & Lia
‘European Labour Authority: What’s in it for me?’, by Andrea, Anne-Sophie & Maria

‘The present and future of Frontex’, by Vincent, Mariyan, Raymond & Max
‘EFSA, enforcement powers: de facto, but de jure?’, by Béla, Beatrice & Vesela

‘EPPO for Dummies: Federal Prosecutor goes to court’, by Tom, Cameron & Kees
‘Visions of Frontex: Transparency as the source of accountability’, by Lina & Luka
‘CCP Supervision Proposal: More ESMA Powers but no Accountability?’, by Andrea & Mathias

‘EPPO for Dummies: The EPPO Goes Forum Shopping’, by Senta & Nerea
‘Frontex+: An Institutional Odyssey’, by Hidde, Hans, Anca & Agustina
‘European Aviation Safety Agency and the Germanwings-crash’, by Michael & Juliëtte
‘ESMA: power comes with responsibility’, by Klea, Janneke & Elissavet
‘ECN: what happens in the worst case (allocation)?’, by Babette, Laura & Eline

‘Future of EASA: a Serious Accountability Deficit’, by Danielle & Lisette
‘OLAF: Looking behind the Scenes of a Success Story’, by Loes & Luiza
‘Human Rights under the European Border and Coast Guard’, by Tom, Jens & Sybren